Guayusa Tea: Origin, Benefits, and Side Effects
Guayusa tea is a unique herbal tea commonly consumed in South America, particularly in Ecuador. Unlike traditional teas like green or black tea, guayusa comes from the holly tree.
It has gained popularity because of its natural caffeine content and rich antioxidant properties. Some consider it a source of energy and clarity that doesn’t cause caffeine jitters.
We’ve covered everything you need to know about guayusa, including the benefits, the origin, and the side effects.
What is Guayusa Tea
Guayusa tea originates from the Ilex guayusa plant, a plant native to the Amazon Rainforest.
It’s harvested in the rainforest regions of South America and it has stimulant and antioxidant properties, which makes it a great energy drink alternative.
Where Does Guayusa Tea Come From?
The llex guayusa plant, which is the source of guayusa tea, comes from the Amazon Rainforest, where communities and tribes have been using it for the beneficial properties it has.
Traditional Uses of Guayusa
For centuries, people have used guayusa tea for its energizing effects and mental clarity.
It has been a part of the Amazonian culture for a long time and used in early morning rituals.
Benefits of Guayusa Tea
Guayusa tea has a variety of health benefits for overall well-being:
Full of Antioxidants
Guayusa tea is rich in antioxidants that protect your cells against damage cause by free radicals.
These antioxidants help reduce inflammation, promote heart health, and boost the immune system.
Chlorogenic Acid
Chlorogenic Acid, which is common in Guayusa tea, provides various health benefits due to its antioxidant properties.
It helps with stress, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, reduces risk of inflammation, and contributes to heart health and overall well being.
Boosts Energy & Alertness
Unlike energy drinks or coffee, guayusa tea gives an energy boost without the crash or the jitters.
The natural caffeine content found in guayusa is released slowly, which is great for avoiding sudden spikes and drops.
This can help improve focus, increase alertness, and enhance mental clarity.
Helps With Digestion
Guayusa tea also helps with digestion due to its anti-inflammatory properties that soften up the digestive tract and reduce inflammation.
This makes guayusa tea a great option for alleviating digestive discomfort and digestive health.
Lowers Blood Sugar
The antioxidants in guayusa tea help regulate glucose metabolism, which results in more stable blood sugar levels.
Guayusa Side Effects
Guayusa tea is very safe and can be consumed by most individuals. However, like any other beverage out there, it has to be consumed in moderation.
When you consume too much guayusa tea, the excessive amount of caffeine can cause restlessness, anxiety, and insomnia, but not the jitters.
How to Prepare Guayusa Tea
Brewing guayusa can be done in various ways to suit different preferences. Here are some ways you can make loose lease guayusa starting with our favorite:
Brew Just Like You Do Coffee!
Start with 1 tbsp Wild Era Guayusa for every 16oz of water (increase to as much as you want!). Use just like you would in your drip coffee maker: add water, place filter, add guayusa to the filter, press on, and go! You will soon be saying “ahhhhhh” with a big smile, just like us, when you take that first sip in the morning.
Other Brewing Techniques:
Traditional Hot Brew: Start by heating water to around 190°F. Place 1-2 teaspoons of guayusa leaves in a cup or teapot. Pour the hot water over the leaves and let them steep for 5-7 minutes. Strain the leaves and enjoy your freshly brewed guayusa tea.
Cold Brew Method: For a refreshing twist, try cold brewing guayusa tea. Simply add guayusa leaves to a pitcher of cold water and let it steep in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Strain the leaves and serve over ice for a smooth and mellow flavor.
Serving Suggestions:
- Sweeten Naturally: Enhance the taste of guayusa tea by adding natural sweeteners like honey, stevia, or agave syrup. These sweet additions complement the earthy notes of the tea.
- Infuse with Herbs and Spices: Experiment with adding herbs like mint or spices like cinnamon to your guayusa tea for a personalized touch. These additions can elevate the aroma and flavor profile of your drink.
By brewing guayusa tea using these techniques and serving it with creative twists, you can savor a delightful and energizing beverage that suits your taste preferences. Experiment with different brewing styles and flavor combinations to find your perfect cup of guayusa tea.
Guayusa Tea vs. Yerba Mate
Guayusa tea and Yerba Mate are quite similar, but they have slight differences in effects. The question of which one is better we will leave up to you to decide for yourself.
Guayusa tea has slightly more caffeine compared to Yerba Mate, which gives you an extra buzz and increases alertness and focus.
If you prefer milder or a sweeter taste, Guayusa is the option for you, as it has a slightly sweeter flavor than Yerba Mate.
When it comes to health benefits, they share a lot together. However, Guayusa stands out for its antioxidant properties that support digestive health, while Yerba Mate is known for its metabolism-boosting effects and the impact on mental clarity.
It’s really that easy!!
Our loose leaf teas are one size fits all - we tried tons of South American teas so you don't have to!
These premium teas are great for anyone new to drinking tea or long time connoisseurs! If you are a coffee drinker or energy drink fiend looking for a change this is a great place to start.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
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You can try any of our meticulously formulated products and if you don’t love them we will give you a full refund.
We invite you to join the ride and are grateful for your support!
From California With Love -Wild Era Team